Why It’s Important to Travel for Yourself Every Once in a While

Why It’s Important to Travel for Yourself Every Once in a While

You’re free to do anything you want. What’s better than that?

We’ve talked extensively about what it’s like to travel the world with friends, partners, family, children, and even your pets. But setting off on your own? Nothing beats that. 

The trips that have the possibility to change our lives are the ones we choose, plan, and embark on ourselves. No drama-filled baggage needed. Here are the reasons why we encourage our readers to travel for, and by, themselves, every now and then. 

You are free to call the shots

While travelling with a big group in another country, most of us have probably felt, at some point or another, that a trip would be so much better if we were to wander off on our own. Just for a little while. But out of politeness, we hold ourselves back to preserve the peace. 

In an ideal scenario, we wish to follow where our interests take us without worrying that we might disrupt the group harmony. Or worse, we fear that we’ll bore everyone with our activities, when they would much rather be moving along to the next stop. Just as we don’t enjoy feeling like we’re invisible, we hate making others feel that way, too. 

With solo travel, you get to call the shots. You don’t have to abide by another person’s timeline or rules. With a party of one, you can follow wherever your desires and whims take you — your adventure, on your own time. How awesome is that? 

Also read: Why Travelling Solo Is Better Than Travelling With Friends

Of course, that’s not to say that you won’t run into a few bumps along the way. We can’t deny that there are perks of travelling with buddies who understand you, quirks and all. But most of our days are already chock-full of people we have to interact with back home. Why not put yourself first this time around?

#TripZilla Tip: Solo travel is amazing but safety is always important!

One of the most important things to buy when you are travelling alone is travel insurance. Get your insurance secured with HL Assurance, the winner of the ‘Best Online Buying Experience (Insurance)‘ in TripZilla Excellence Awards 2019! With its cool rewards, amazing benefits, and a user-friendly interface, HL Assurance is definitely your go-to source for travel insurance.

You learn what you truly want for yourself

Solitude clears up a time and space for introspection. When nobody is watching or pressuring you, you learn what it is that you really want to do. What makes you rise in the morning. What kind of itinerary works for you. What motivates you to see the world. 

Somewhere in my recent trips, I realised that I enjoy following where the locals go. I like to spend at least a day wandering around a quaint neighbourhood and sitting at a cafe with my journal. And I believe that no trip to a big city is complete without paying a visit to a bookshop or two.

Of course, these are only my personal preferences, and I would never foist them on anyone else. But I would never have discovered them if I was just passively coasting along on other people’s journeys. When you lean on yourself to make your way across the world, all of these epiphanies come to you in a natural way. 

Also read: Why It’s Important to Write About Your Travels

You see what you are capable of — and it will surprise you

Mapping out a journey that begins and ends with you boosts your confidence and humbles you at the same time. Seeing the world in its immensity and splendour puts things into perspective: You’re faced with the vastness of the distances you’ve covered and everything that still lies before you, and they remind you of why you do this in the first place. 

You find that even if there are forces outside your control and important matters that you need to take care of first, there are moments of clarity in travel when all of your plans come through. And it makes all those months of preparations worth it. 

Maybe it felt empowering to try tandem skydiving, drifting 14,000 feet above the sea. Maybe hiking all those steps to a snow-capped mountain blessed you with a sunset that moved you to tears. If you’re willing to move beyond your comfort zone, you’ll see that you can do so much more than you know. 

Also read: Solo Travel: Why It Is Good for the Soul

The first time you realise that you don’t need to wait for permission from the universe to book that flight to Osaka or Seoul? That’s when your journey of self-discovery begins. 

Whether you’re a seasoned traveller who has covered 79 countries or a neophyte adventurer who has never struck out on your own before (but are planning to do so soon!), the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. Dream big, and happy travels! 

About Author

Tiffany Conde
Tiffany Conde

Tiffany wrote articles on travel, food, and pop culture for TripZilla. As she plans her next adventure, she enjoys writing about the coolest places to stay around the world and where to find them.


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