10 Underrated Tourist Destinations Around the World

10 Underrated Tourist Destinations Around the World

For travellers into off-the-beaten-path destinations or seeking a getaway from the crowd.

Tired of bumping into hordes of other tourists while on a holiday, or simply looking for destinations that exude extra-exotic vibes? Stay tuned — this article highlights some amazing underrated tourist destinations across the globe. These destinations don’t record the highest numbers of visitors, yet overflow with their unique charms, including scenic landscapes, flourishing flora and fauna, and rich culture. We think these underrated tourist spots are perfect for an extraordinary, adventurous holiday. 

Also read: 18 Underrated Countries to Visit Before the Year Ends

Must-visit underrated tourist destinations around the world


1. Kyrgyzstan

Image credit: Freda Bouskoutas via Canva Pro

The first item in our pick of underrated tourist destinations around the globe is Kyrgyzstan. Visitors to Kyrgyzstan can look forward to a spectacular and adventurous sightseeing trip, thanks to its breathtaking mountains, canyons, lakes and hot springs. With 94% of the country being covered with mountains, Kyrgyzstan is home to some of the world’s most majestic mountainscapes, including the Tien Shan, Pamir, and Alai mountain ranges (some of which can be climbed!). Visitors can even try horse riding on Kyrgyzstan’s terrain!

One of Kyrgyzstan’s most beautiful natural assets is the Ala Archa National Park. Here, you’ll see stunning mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, and wildlife. This is the perfect place for a hike, a stroll, or a picnic. 

City folks who have ever contemplated moving to the countryside should try the nomadic lifestyle in Kyrgyzstan. Many Kyrgyz people maintain the traditional nomadic lifestyle, meaning that they move from one place to another rather than live in one place continually. For an unparalleled nomadic experience, try staying in a yurt, a type of portable tent used by Kyrgyz nomadic people!

Kyrgyzstan has been gaining more attention in recent years, so head there before it gets more crowded!

2. Mongolia

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If you’re up for long road trips across swathes of vast wilderness and extreme continental weather, Mongolia is perfect for you. Located north of China and south of Russia, Mongolia overflows with some of the world’s most breathtaking natural landscapes, including pristine lakes, sand dunes, alpine forests, mountains, and valleys. 

One of the best places to visit in Mongolia is the spectacular Gobi Desert, one of the world’s most unique deserts. The Gobi Desert is home to the stunning Khongoryn Els, which are ‘singing sand dunes’ that make unique sounds when blown by the wind. The desert is also home to impressive dinosaur fossils. For a daring sightseeing experience, take a jeep tour through the Gobi. And if you’re up for it, you can even try riding a camel over the sand dunes!

Culture buffs will also be happy to get a taste of Mongolia’s fascinating culture. Like in Kyrgyzstan, many Mongolians live nomadic lifestyles. The Mongolian people are also known to be pretty friendly and welcoming!

TripZilla Tip: Join a group tour. It’s not easy to navigate this huge country by yourself!

3. Laos

Image credit: Stephane Noiret via Canva Pro

In the region of Southeast Asia, one of the most underrated tourist destinations to visit is Laos. Fun fact: this small country is the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia, sharing borders with China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar

Laos is full of unique charms and hidden gems. Home to about 160 different ethnic subgroups, the country is one of Southeast Asia’s most ethnically and linguistically diverse countries. It’s also home to flourishing flora and fauna, with about three quarters of the land being covered by steep mountains and forests. Laos is also a beautiful story of resilience, having been able to rebuild itself over the years despite experiencing severe bombing during World War II. 

When in Laos, make sure to explore the beautiful Mekong River. Hop onto a ‘naga boat’ and enjoy a dreamy river ride while enjoying gorgeous sunset views. Cycling along the river is also a great way to sightsee the beautiful nature. And about four hours away from the capital Vientiane, try visiting Vang Vieng, a beautiful mountain town where you’ll see grand mountains, rivers, caves, and cliffs. 

The country is also home to an extremely unique culinary culture, boasting local delicacies like no other. Some famous local delights include khao piak (rice noodle soup), sui oua (fatty pork mixed with spices), and even insects such as crickets and grasshoppers! We think Laotian food will be perfect for adventurous foodies.

Also read: Shopping in Asia: Best Hidden Gems & Unique Souvenirs to Bring Home


4. Montenegro

hidden gems

Image credit: sorincolac via Canva Pro

One of Europe’s lovely tourist hidden gems is a Balkan country known as Montenegro. Located along the Adriatic Sea, Montenegro might be a small country, but its exquisite beauty cannot be understated. It’s home to stunning coastal towns, mountains, gorgeous lakes, and picturesque historical architecture, including well-preserved Venetian Renaissance architecture. Montenegro is sometimes overshadowed by its neighbour Croatia, but because Montenegro handles smaller tourist numbers, visitors can enjoy a quieter and more peaceful holiday in Montenegro!

For some seriously dazzling views of the Adriatic Coast, visit the Bay of Kotor, which is Montenegro’s signature gorgeous natural deep-water harbour. You’ll also find cobbled streets and ancient fortress walls around the harbour. This is one of the must-visit spots for any visitor to Montenegro!

And for travellers who are ready to face the elements of sun, wind and sea, we highly recommend visiting the majestic Tara Canyon and going rafting on the Tara River. Tara’s fierce rapids will give you an unparalleled thrilling challenge. You’ll also get a bird’s eye view of the canyon’s steep gorges and massive rocks. 

Fun fact: The Tara Canyon is the deepest and longest one in the whole of Europe! 

5. Lithuania

tourist hidden gems

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Nature and history buffs with an eye for beauty should add Lithuania to their go-to list of underrated tourist destinations in Europe! Lithuania is the largest of the three Baltic states in Europe, and is home to sprawling lush forests, beautiful architecture, historical sites, and rich culture. Lithuania’s lovely charms are largely hidden gems to international travellers from countries outside of Europe, so give it a visit before it becomes more crowded!

One of Lithuania’s most outstanding attractions is the fairytale-like Trakai Castle — a 14th-century castle with a Gothic design, located on an island in the gorgeous Lake Galve. Visitors can cross a long wooden bridge to reach the castle or even take a yacht ride to sightsee the castle. The castle is not only pretty, but also a very important historical site.

And if you like lush greenery, embark on an unhurried stroll through Lithuania’s beautiful national parks! A top-recommended national park is the Aukštaitija National Park – Lithuania’s oldest national park which is home to swathes of grand forests and lakes. 

6. Slovenia

underrated tourist destinations

Image credit: Greg Sullavan via Canva Pro

The letter ‘S’ in Slovenia stands for stunning, because the country looks like a scene straight out of a fantasyland. This is the place where you’ll find gorgeous castles, mysterious caves, mountains, beautiful historical architecture, and crystal-clear water bodies. Slovenia has been welcoming increasing tourist numbers over the years, so you should visit soon before it’s no longer a hidden gem!

This country is home to an abundance of beautiful nature spots, but in particular, its water bodies are magnificent. Wherever you go, you’re bound to encounter gorgeous lakes with bright, sparkling clear waters. Slovenia’s most celebrated lake is Lake Bled. Try renting a boat and rowing across the lake — it’s a fantastic way to enjoy the amazing views of the water and the surrounding mountains!

For a quieter sightseeing experience with less humans around, check out Lake Bohinj, a dazzling glacial lake surrounded by lush forests and mountain peaks. Its waters are great for swimming and other water sports. Alternatively, visit Lake Planšarsko jezero, a quaint heart-shaped lake which gives off pretty romantic feels.

Also read: 15 Under-the-Radar Spots in Europe for a Relaxing Vacay


7. Uganda

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Some call Uganda one of Africa’s best hidden gems, and it’s easy to see why. This country is not only home to glorious natural parks and flourishing wildlife; it also receives relatively fewer tourist numbers compared to neighbouring countries, which makes it perfect for an adventurous journey in the wilderness away from the crowd! 

Furthermore, Uganda is one of the most affordable destinations in East Africa to experience a thrilling safari trip in the wild wild wilderness, which makes it perfect for travellers on a budget! Kidepo Valley National Park is one of the best underrated tourist spots to visit in Uganda for a secluded safari adventure. Because it’s located in Uganda’s frontier region, it’s not so easy to access — but this is precisely what makes this park perfect for a safari adventure with unblocked views. Expect to witness huge animals in their full glory, including giraffes, elephants, cheetahs, and lions. 

For a more relaxing getaway surrounded by (calm) nature, try visiting the gorgeous Lake Bunyonyi (translated as “place of many little birds”). It’s located in southwestern Uganda near the border with Rwanda. There are 29 islands around the lake, which you can explore either by hiking or by taking a boat ride. Some of the best things to do at Lake Bunyonyi include canoeing and strolling along the lake shores. You’ll find many locals having fun here — so this lake is certainly a must-visit in Uganda.

8. Namibia

Image credit: demerzel21 via Canva Pro

The next country in our pick of underrated tourist destinations is Namibia. This is where you can embark on one-of-a-kind outdoor sightseeing expeditions, and find exquisite photography spots that are equally stunning when viewed with the naked eye! Located in southern Africa, Namibia is home to breathtaking scenery, wildlife, and some of the world’s tallest sand dunes. 

One fabulous outdoor activity to do in Namibia is stargazing. Because Namibia’s skies are pretty clear and unpolluted, the country is an ideal spot for stargazing. Want to see the Milky Way in its splendour with your own eyes? Make a trip to the NamibRand Nature Reserve, which is a designated Gold Tier International Dark Sky Reserve — meaning that the skies here are exceptionally dark and conducive for stargazing. 

Another awesome spot to visit in Namibia is the Namib Desert, which is thought to be the world’s oldest desert. Here, you will find the famous Spitzkoppe, a group of grand granite peaks that’s even been dubbed “the Matterhorn of Namibia”. 

TripZilla Tip: The Spitzkoppe is an amazing photography spot, so take as many photos as you can!

South America

9. Argentina

underrated tourist spots

Image credit: fotoquique via Canva Pro

When people think of Argentina, the first thing that often comes to mind is that it’s home to the glorious Iguazu Falls, which was ever named one of the seven natural wonders of the world.  Indeed, Argentina is stunning, and frequently records the highest tourist numbers amongst countries in South America. Nevertheless, we think that Argentina is home to many underrated tourist spots that deserve more attention. 

One of them is the Salinas Grandes, an enormous salt flat stretching more than two hundred square kilometres across the provinces of Jujuy and Salta. The sparkling white salt is stunning against the backdrop of the bright blue skies, and not many people come here — so this is the perfect place to take unblocked, aesthetic photos while enjoying the natural beauty! 

Another of Argentina’s underrated hidden gems is the Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo National Park (Petrified Forests of Jaramillo National Park). Located in the province of Santa Cruz, this amazing forest is home to fossilised tree trunks, ancient rock formations, and you can even hold dinosaur bones and fossils in your hands. Aspiring archaeologists, this one’s for you. 

North America

10. The Bahamas

underrated tourist destinations

Image credit: RaresOrzata via Canva Pro

Last but not least, The Bahamas is one of the coolest underrated tourist destinations in the world for travellers who love everything to do with the ocean! The Bahamas consists of 700 islands, of which 30 are inhabited. The islands’ pristine beauty can’t be fully encapsulated in words — their sparkling crystal-clear blue waters, thrilling caves, and blue holes are truly wonders to marvel at. For an exquisite getaway with a more relaxed feel, check out the Grand Bahama Island, where you can find gorgeous underwater limestone caves and see migratory birds. 

For an adventure of a lifetime, try swimming, snorkelling, or diving in the mysterious blue holes of The Bahamas! Blue holes are actually the entrance to aquatic sinkholes and underwater caves, which makes them extra exciting to explore. Best of all, you don’t need a diving licence to explore some of the blue holes! Both divers and non-divers can try swimming in Dean’s Blue Hole. Located on Long Island, it is the second-deepest blue hole in the whole world. Enclosed by a natural rock amphitheatre, a turquoise lagoon and a beautiful white beach, this mysterious blue hole is a sight to behold and thrilling to explore. You’ll have a story to tell when you come home.

The Bahamas has been experiencing increasing tourist numbers, so head there soon!

TripZilla Tip: The Bahamas typically experiences the best weather between mid-December to mid-April. 

Also read: 10 Most Beautiful Small Towns in the World

Inspired by any of the beautiful places highlighted in this article? Make your trip to these underrated tourist destinations now — before they become more crowded and you have to jostle with hordes of other tourists!

About Author

Esther Yue
Esther Yue

Esther is an inquisitive girl who enjoys uncovering the depths of life. She loves exploring new places and cultures. While travelling, she never skips the roller coaster rides in the amusement parks. In her natural habitat, you’ll probably catch her with a book and an iced drink, listening to some good music.