A Painting of Colours: Yuanyang County's Terraced Fields

Terraced Fields of Yuanyang County: A Painting of Colours

Find a rainbow of pigments in Yuanyang County, China, where the Hani people created a vibrant world through terraced fields on mountainsides and valleys.

Terraced fields in Yuanyang County

Thousands of years ago, the Hani people created a vibrant world by developing terraced fields on mountainsides and in valleys. Look at the fields, watch the colours mix from pinks and purples to browns and yellows. These beautiful fields can only be seen here in Yuanyang County.

Today, the terraced fields are a material and spiritual support to the Hani people. It provides food for the large population of 350,000 people and also plays an important role in their religious ceremonies. You can find this rainbow of pigments in Yuanyang County, China. 

Let’s head to the terraced fields!

Inspired? Here’s how you can make your travel happen:
TripZilla Travel Packages to Yuanyang, China

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1hPTUMq

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