First, there were bulky wet-plate collodion cameras that travellers back in the day carried around and used to document their trips. Some travel photography evolutions later, we landed on smartphones capable of capturing the best-quality photos and videos. And now? Smart glasses with camera that can do pretty much the same thing. Only, they are far more portable than anything else.
Smart glasses can take many forms and functions. But eyeglasses that come with a built-in camera are truly something else. With a single press on a small button embedded in the glasses, you can capture photos and videos. Then, have them downloaded to an accompanying mobile phone application. This basically takes away the need to bring out and hold up a typical camera or camera phone, making travel photography the most convenient it’s ever been.
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Companies selling smart glasses with camera

Image credit: Ray-Ban Official Website
Ray-Ban and Facebook co-launched smart glasses known as Ray-Ban Stories, one of the first to do so. Available in both sun- and clear eyeglasses, they’re said to help you capture moments and sceneries as they are, while keeping you connected with the world around you. Ray-Ban Stories feature a dual 5-MP camera that can store photos of up to 2,592×1944 pixels and videos up to 1184×1184 pixels at 30 frames per second.
If you’re wondering how it would be possible to ensure the photos aren’t over- or under-exposed when you’re using it almost hands-free, the camera actually adjusts automatically to the available light. In addition, the glasses have LED signals to mean that the photo- or video-taking process is ongoing. As they’re connected to your phone, you can even use the glasses to play songs and make phone calls using Facebook Assistant.
Ray-Ban Stories are available in Ray-Ban stores across the United States. You can also order them online on the brand’s official website. Each pair of glasses costs US$299 and has up to six colour options or combinations. These include dark blue, black-green, and black-dark grey. They also come with a stylish portable charging case. When fully charged, it can take and keep as many as 200 photos and 50 videos, which you also have the option to upload directly on social media.
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Image credit: Xiaomi Official Website
Apart from Ray-Ban and Facebook, several other companies have released their own versions of these travel camera glasses. Among them are Everysight, Lenovo, Magic Leap, Microsoft, Snapchat, and Vuzix. Although, not all of them come close to the compactness and simplicity of those by Ray-Ban Stories. Xiaomi has likewise Xiaomi Smart Glasses, which uses MicroLED optical waveguide technology. It can also receive messages and translate texts.
With camera smart glasses, you won’t have to worry about constantly using your smartphone or other devices when merely taking quick snaps or clips of your trips. But other than this being a convenient way to document experiences, they also make sure you truly enjoy these moments at the same time. Seriously, what could be a better digital travel essential in these times?
Featured image credit: Ray-Ban | Official Website