These Are The 15 Safest Cities in The World to Live In Right Now

These Are The 15 Safest Cities in The World to Live In Right Now

The Economist's Safe Cities Index reveals the safest cities in 2017. Let’s see who tops the list!

According to the Safe Cities Index 2017, a report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit, the safest city in the world is Tokyo. 

The report ranks 60 cities based on 49 indicators which encompass digital security, health security, infrastructure security and personal security.

The Safe Cities Index was last published two years ago and the top three on the list for both the 2015 and 2017 versions remain the same: Tokyo first, Singapore second and Osaka third.

These are the overall top fifteen:

1. Tokyo

2. Singapore

3. Osaka

4. Toronto

5. Melbourne

6. Amsterdam

7. Sydney

8. Stockholm

9. Hong Kong

10. Zurich

11. Frankfurt

12. Madrid

13. Barcelona

14. Seoul

15. San Francisco

As gathered from the list, Asian and European cities dominate the top of the index. Australia’s two biggest cities, Melbourne and Sydney, ranks among the top ten, and the only US city to make it to the top fifteen is San Francisco. For an in-depth look at security in this rapidly urbanising world, read the full report here

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