10 Reasons Why Travelling Could be Stressful

10 Reasons Why Travelling Could be Stressful

While travelling is so much fun, there are also things that could make or break your trip.

If you’re reading this, I presume you love to travel. While travelling is so much fun, there are also many things that could make or break your trip. These things may be internal or external, expected or unforeseen.

To make your life easier, here are ten reasons why travelling could be stressful and solutions to help you minimise the stress. You’re welcome.

Also read: Awkward Travel Situations and How to Handle Them

1. You did not plan your trip very well

reasons travel stressful

Lack of proper planning could definitely make your travel stressful. Where would you go? What activities do you plan to do? What’s most frustrating it is not being able to maximise your time because you did not list down your priorities.

Solution: Research! I know, researching could be tedious. But you don’t have to be too meticulous. Perhaps you can copy sample itineraries online or list down the places you want to see before your trip.

2. Or you planned it too well

I am so guilty! While others struggle to come up with a to-do list, I on the other hand write too long of a list. Seriously, I plan out my trips in a spreadsheet, note down the expected dates and times, make a plan B if everything gets delayed, etc. It gets too overwhelming! I’ve learned that in most of my travels, my schedule doesn’t go as planned because of both internal and external factors. If you plan your trip too well, you might just end up disappointed.

Solution: Be spontaneous too. Make a to-do list but be realistic. Consider your timeframe, budget, logistics, etc.

3. You brought the wrong types of clothing

SingaporeThis is me with a scarf to cover my bare shoulders

The last time I was in Singapore, I visited the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Chinatown. I wore a sleeveless maxi dress that day and apparently, it wasn’t allowed. Good thing I had a scarf with me to cover myself. My point is that many of us do not consider the local customs so we end up bringing the wrong types of clothing.

Solution: Research, again. Sorry not sorry. You don’t have to be too extensive. Just Google something like, “What to wear in…” I’m sure that little piece of information can help you.

4. Or you overpacked

There is nothing more embarrassing than rummaging through your luggage at the airport trying to look for things you can bring on your carry on or worse, leave at the airport. Or when you packed everything so perfectly before your trip and suddenly, your stuff just won’t fit anymore! Relate?

Solution: Bring multi-purpose clothing and bring only what you need. What I also like to do is wear my bulkiest clothes like a pair of jeans and sneakers while travelling.

Also read: 18 Travel Packing Tips From The Experts

5. You cannot convince anyone to go with you

There are some people who do not want to travel alone, like myself.  I always end up not going because I can’t convince my friends or my boyfriend to go with me. The main reason? Budget.

Solution: Plan a trip ahead of time so you can convince your friends to save up. Or you can even organize a group savings if you’re too desperate. Haha!

Also read: Why It Is Important to Have a Circle of (Travel) Friends

6. Your logistics was delayed

Tacloban City, LeyteImage credit: Camera and Cheese

Where I’m from, everything is almost always delayed; food service, internet speed and worst – airplane! One time, our flight from my hometown to Manila got delayed so we weren’t able to board our plane to Singapore! My family and I ended up sacrificing our itinerary for the first day.

Solution: Loosen your schedule. No matter how hard you try, there are just some things you can’t control so the best way is to forecast. Don’t make a tight schedule if you know there’s a big chance you won’t be able to follow it.

7. The accommodation was not what you expected

Nowadays, travellers put so much trust on the internet. We book our flights online, we look for accommodations online. While it’s now easier to find good and legitimate hotels or inns, sometimes, the accommodation was just not what you expected. Issues like dirty bath and toilets, noisy neighbourhood and small-sized bedroom are only a few that many have experienced.

Solution: Book only at legitimate websites and make sure you read reviews. I’m very picky with accommodations so I always book hotels or inns that have positive reviews.

8. The language barrier is too big

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting lost and not being able to understand directions from locals; or ordering something at a restaurant and getting a different one served because the waiter didn’t understand you. Although English is widely used in most places, many locals are still unable to understand and speak the language.

Solution: Learn basic words. You don’t have to learn the local language overnight, like duh? Research translations for sentences like, “Where is the nearest toilet?” or “How much do I pay?” or “Thank you.” Trust me, it’ll go a long way. If you’re too lazy, just download a translation app!

9. You didn’t get your money changed when you had the chance

Image credit: Images Money

Don’t you just hate it when you want to buy something on the road but you don’t have money to spend? The worst experience I had was when I travelled from Malaysia to Singapore. The bus driver left me at the immigration, which is still a long way to the city and I didn’t have Singaporean dollars! There wasn’t any money changers around, but good thing the bus accepted my Malaysian Ringgits.

Solution: Have your money changed ahead of time. Believe me, I’m speaking from experience.

10. You did not budget your money

Money is very important when travelling but you do not need to have so much to explore a place. The amount is not your biggest issue, but how you plan to spend your money.

Solution: Make sure to budget your money before going on a trip. Leave an emergency fund and save some for transportation.

Also read: 12 Common Money Mistakes Travellers Make

No matter how stressed you were on your trip, at the end of the day, it’s really the experiences that matter. Yeah sure, I got left off by a bus in the middle of Singapore and Malaysia, but now I can laugh about it and I’ll have this story to tell of how stupid I was.

About Author

Johanna Ella May Erroba
Johanna Ella May Erroba

Johanna is a free spirit. She channels her energy through music, writing, surfing, and travelling. She expresses all of her musings on Camera and Cheese.


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