Mud City of Shibam: World’s Oldest Skyscraper City

Mud City of Shibam: World’s Oldest Skyscraper City

The mud city of Shibam in Yemen owes its glory to its remarkable mud brick skyscrapers. It has earned its name as the "oldest skyscraper city in the world".


Image credits: Jialiang Gao

Unlike the mud city of Bam in Iran, this ancient mud city of Shibam in Yemen owes its glory to its remarkable mud brick skyscrapers, earning its name as the “oldest skyscraper city in the world” and the “Manhattan of the desert”. You may probably think that earthquakes and other unfavourable weather conditions can easily collapse this mud city but it has stood the test of time and has been in existence for more than a millennium.

Image credits: Will De Freitas

The architectural principle of vertical construction was used to protect residents from enemy attacks. The high-rise apartment buildings allow residents to keep themselves safe above ground. With its timeless architectural beauty and great historical significance, the mud city of Shibam is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

15.921317, 48.635927,Shibam, Hadramaut, Yemen

Don’t miss the ancient mud city of Shibam on your journey to Asia.

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