Office Center 1000 - The World's Biggest Bank Note in Lithuania

Office Center 1000 – The World’s Biggest Bank Note in Lithuania

Money certainly does grow on trees in Lithuania! Well, not exactly trees, but they have a building constructed entirely like the shape of a bank note!

bank note

Although money doesn’t grow on trees, it certainly did grow on buildings in Lithuania!

Office Center 1000 (also known as the Banknote Building) is a curvaceous, gigantic amplification of the old bank note of 1,000 litu that leaves passers-by baffled by the day, and entranced by night. It is located in the second biggest city in Lithuania – Kaunas!

Kaunas has always historically been the centre of Lithuanian economic, among other things. Constructing a building shaped like a bank note is creatively reasonable!

Started in 2008 Office Center 1000 houses inconspicuous job of housing offices, this remarkable building features more than 4,000 tiles of enamel glass pieced together to form the image of the folded bank note, like jigsaw puzzles fit into place. Not exactly a tourist attraction, but tourists sometimes plan their travelling routes so that they will pass by this building for a short photo-taking session

It’s interesting to know that despite its outright proclamation, the staff members behind this massive project has been insisting that the structure doesn’t suggest the power of money. However, because of its valiant illustration of money, Office Center 1000 is tutted as one of the Baltic region’s most daring and original construction project.

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