The Mystery of the Spotted Lake Revealed!

The Mystery of the Spotted Lake Revealed!

The Spotted Lake, known as “Kliluk” to the natives of Okanagan Valley, in Osoyoos, British Columbia, will really catch your attention when you look at it from far above. Read more and unlock the mystery behind these spots.

Spotted Lake

The Spotted Lake, known as “Kliluk” to the natives of Okanagan Valley, in Osoyoos, British Columbia, will really catch your attention when you look at it from far above.  Most of the lake’s water evaporates over summer, leaving it some large “spots” of minerals. The colours of the spots may depend on the mineral composition left behind. They can be white, green, pale yellow, green or blue.

The lake is culturally significant and known for its therapeutic powers. The waters and mud of the lake were used to heal ailments and body aches.  Nowadays, the lake is surrounded by a fence to keep people off, but you may still get a good vantage point from the highway.

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