It’s Okay to Be Addicted to Travel but Clueless With Life

It’s Okay to Be Addicted to Travel but Clueless With Life

It’s okay to be riddled with wanderlust and it’s okay to be uncertain about life. Being addicted to travel may actually be the best thing ever.

Some of us were made to break the mould. I sometimes think that it is the most interesting people who, by the standards of conventional society, make the biggest mess of things.

Those who love travel are often those for whom settling down sensibly in a “normal” way of life is difficult if not impossible. But I have come to the conclusion that being a bit clueless when it comes to everyday life can be a good thing.

There are alternatives to the nine-to-five job, marriage and two children, and it is clear to people who love to travel that these alternatives are not lesser – just different.

Also read: What Happens When Your Greatest Love is Travel

addicted to travel

Travellers can still find fulfillment

If travel teaches us anything it is that a life can be anything you make it.

By travelling the world, we are exposed to a huge variety of different people living in a striking range of different ways. The more I travel the more I see that humanity’s common bonds are strengthened by variety rather than weakened by it.

Travel is all about rejoicing in that variety, embracing it and finding a sort of calm stability in constant change and flux. Who says that just because we are a little clueless about daily life that we cannot find success in our meanderings?

Travellers get to live outside the box

We travel-lovers often find a different path, outside the little boxes on the hillside. There are many ways to build a life that do not involve traditional ways of life. I think it is very much possible to live a life outside the box, unconfined by geographical location. Many people have forged their own unique paths outside mass-tourism and conventional society.

Being outside the box does not mean that we cannot contribute either, sometimes those that initially seem so far beyond the pale are those who eventually can make the biggest contribution to sustainability and positive change.

Travellers can adapt to the state of “not knowing”

Sometimes it can be difficult to live in a constant state of uncertainty.

Travelling a lot can often be unsettling and those of us who have done it know that we can eventually lapse into a state of being where we embrace “not knowing” – we can thrive on being unsure. Living with this uncertainty can make us stronger when it comes to making decisions in life.

Nothing is certain, everything is mutable, we can never foresee all the consequences of an action, but we have to embrace the “not knowing”. This is another lesson that those addicted to travel can teach the rest of the world. We may be clueless when it comes to some elements of conventional, in the box life, but we know how to adapt and change and how to live life in “not knowing”.

Also read: 19 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Addicted to Travelling

So if you too are an unconventional person, addicted to travel – don’t ever think that you are clueless and useless and lesser than. You have a lot to learn and yet also a lot to teach the world.

About Author

Elizabeth Waddington
Elizabeth Waddington

Elizabeth Waddington lives in rural Scotland with her husband and her dog. She is part of a small community who are trying to live as sustainably as possible. A professional freelance writer who works from home full time, she has over ten years of writing experience and an MA in English and Philosophy. She mostly writes about travel, sustainability and permaculture and has a particular interest in adventure holidays, camping, walking and sustainable travel. She travels whenever she can.


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