1600 Pandas Invade Hong Kong to Send Message to Mankind

1600 Pandas Invade Hong Kong to Send Message to Mankind

It is not every day that you see pandas riding on a plane, so when these 1600 pandas landed in the Hong Kong airport, they became the centre of attraction.

One of the biggest advertising stunts? Probably, but this is with a meaningful purpose – to promote conservation of the endangered bears. What better way to appeal to the public than getting 1600 pandas to personally travel to cities and spread the word?

Thus starts the month-long, panda-themed “1600 Panda World Tour”. These papier-mâché pandas have travelled to other cities including Berlin, Taipei and Paris, and for the next few days, they will be making surprise flash mobs around Hong Kong’s famous landmarks, including Victoria Harbour, the giant Tian Tian Buddha and the Shatin racecourse.

If you are travelling to Hong Kong within these few days, do try to tweak your itinerary a little (if you can) to include these places, and if you’re lucky, you might even find these places invaded by a pool of adorable black and white bears!

On a serious note, the number 1600 did not derive by accident; it is a subtle integration to remind the public that there are only 1600 wild pandas left in the world, making Pandas one of the endangered animals in the world.

Let’s take take a look at some of the adventures these pandas have undertaken during their world tour!

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1pF6PTX

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1pF6PTX

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1pF6PTX

Pandas’ shelter against drizzling and rain

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1xHs6kl

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1xHs6kl

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1l87Frs

Image credits: http://bit.ly/1n5aUhy


Excited to meet these pandas? Check out TripZilla’s Travel Packages to Hong Kong!


Meanwhile, if you’re stuck in the pile-up work or studies, Facebook chat has got 1600 Panda Tour stickers free to download! They will keep you happy just the same.

About Author


Angela is a History enthusiast who indulges in exploring the whirlwind of events happened during the two World Wars. The one place she wouldn’t miss in her travel itinerary is to visit the Historical monuments. Her favourite movie, Schindler’s List, fuelled her desire to one day visit Schindler’s enamelware factory that eventually rescued over a thousand Jews.