5 Types of People Who Still Don’t Understand the Passion for Travel

5 Things We’re Tired of Hearing From People Who Don’t Like Travelling

Bookmark for when you have to constantly defend yourself from naysayers.

It’s 2021 (as of writing, at least) — why are there still people who shame their friends, family, and even acquaintances who love to travel? Or in the context of this pandemic era, why are there some people hating on those who reminisce about past trips? We get it, people who do not like to travel exist, too. If you find yourself constantly on the end of statements like, “Stop wasting your life on travelling” (or other passive-aggressive lines), then I’d totally understand if you’re absolutely done with trying to defend your personal choices.

But if you’re all about making a case for your passion for travel — especially when it comes to people who just don’t get it — then you’ve come to the right place! Allow me to go through the five frequently used arguments of naysayers, as well as how you can counter these. Yes, in an ideal world, we shouldn’t even have to think about such rebuttals. Such is life, I guess. 

Disclaimer: The following points don’t apply to travel during these times. So, before going off about ‘pandemic travel apologists,’ you might want to read this piece first. 

1. “It’s only for those with a lot of money to spare.”

passion for travel

Image credit: Taryn Elliott

Certainly, this is a common logic among people who do not like to travel. For them, it’s an unnecessary expense that could leave you broke afterwards. From the price of plane tickets to the overall pocket money you should bring, it seems as if travelling requires you to spend, spend, and spend. To this, I say — a little research goes a long way, especially now that budget travel (yes, even for expensive destinations) has become a norm. 

Along with this, many frequent travellers in their 20s also get flack for supposedly just relying on their parents to sustain their lifestyle. And while there certainly are a few who have this luxury, the majority of us still have to save up for upcoming trips. That, and constantly keeping an eye out for discounts and sweet deals to get our hard-earned money’s worth! 

Also read: 6 Bad Travel Habits That Are Ruining Your Vacation

2. “You can travel vicariously through books, films, and TV shows instead.”

passion for travel

Image credit (L-R): Maria Gulyaeva; Jan Böttinger

Or alternatively, “Why bother, when you can just read about a destination or watch movies and shows set there?” Personally, I tend to roll my eyes whenever I hear such things. I mean, it’s a lazy and oversimplified argument that anyone who has travelled enough can easily attest to as false. And before you go off about me being condescending — have you ever stopped and considered just how condescending these lines are, too? Just sayin’. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love a well-written book or an insightful film that focuses on lovely destinations. And these have certainly helped with satiating my wanderlust especially during the onset of the pandemic. After all, these things offer us a glimpse of faraway places we can only dream about (for now). But alas, it really is just that: a glimpse, not the real thing. 

3. “Travel requires no commitment and therefore, leaves no impact.”

passion for travel

Image credit: Alex Harmuth

You probably know some people who hate to travel because it’s frivolous. For them, it’s sort of like flirting (or dating as a millennial in the Tinder Era, if you wanna put it that way) — you only go to a particular place for a good time, not a long time. Hence, those with a passion for travel often get tagged as flighty and non-commital; just visiting to look at nice things without really learning about a destination, or worse — appropriating the local culture

While this is (unfortunately) true about some travellers, it obviously doesn’t mean that the rest of us are like that. On the contrary, many would actually immerse themselves in foreign cultures, albeit in different ways. Some explore it through food and other gastronomic delights, others through the history of the place. Hey, some even go the extra mile by trying to learn the local language, too! 

In turn, travellers get to share their own culture amongst others, whether intentionally or not. In a way, they actually represent this wherever they go — therefore giving other cultures a broader insight, too! This is especially important in a world where many countries and cultures are plagued by misrepresentation and toxic stereotypes. So, in sum, it’s up to you whether you want to be just a mere tourist, or a full-on traveller who really gets to know their destination. 

Also read: 10 Acceptable Moments To Talk To Strangers On Your Travels

4. “It takes so much of your time and energy!”

Image credit: Rachel Hannah

This is another common statement from people who do not like to travel, and even I’ll admit that it’s understandable. Like, why venture into the unfamiliar and potentially unsafe (especially if you’re travelling solo)? Or better yet, why go someplace else to relax when you can just do that at home? True enough, travel can be exhausting and time-consuming, especially when it’s all about sightseeing. Oh, and don’t even get us started on long-haul flights and car rides! Yet time and time again, the avid traveller is reminded about just how it’s all worth it. 

On the other hand, travel could also be about total relaxation, like spending a few days in a beachside resort or a mountain lodge. Heck, it could even be as simple as exploring a neighbouring city or town that you haven’t seen much of! At the end of the day, it’s all about travelling at your own pace and going for what you’re most excited about. Some people tend to think that travel automatically means going out of your comfort zone; when in reality, it’s simply about seeing more of the world — both near and far. So hey, why limit yourself?

Also read: Travel Addiction — Here’s What You Can Do About It

5. “Those who travel a lot are just running away from real life.”

Image credit: Artiom Vallat

It’s easy to dismiss one’s passion for travel as simply trying to escape ‘reality.’ (Although, what’s the deal with people arguing that travelling isn’t part of reality, anyway? Last time I checked, it’s not some simulation á la Black Mirror, is it?) And yes, if we’re being honest, travel does offer a respite from everyday life. This then leads to travel-hating groups saying things like, “Why not just live a good life that you don’t need to run away from?” 

First of all, I don’t know if you’ve realised this yet, but the definition of a ‘good life’ is utterly subjective. Second, is there even such a thing as a life where everything is perfect, really? Third, why are people obsessed with the notion of a perfectly worry-free life, when the more realistic way would be to strive for a meaningful one? Okay, I’ll stop now before I push us all into a pit of existential crisis…

Image credit: Pietro De Grandi

Granted, it’s definitely true that one must strive towards a life that they enjoy, instead of looking for distractions. But the thing is, travel is a huge part of life for many. That said, one cannot fault us for choosing what makes us feel alive — i.e., exploring the world. And going back to my very first point, travel does require moolah. So, if a nine-to-five job that is hectic yet pays well is what it takes for us to be able to do what we love, then so be it. 

Alternatively, there are the lucky ones who get to travel as part of their job. In that case, kudos to them indeed! Clearly, this further proves my point that there’s no single correct definition of a good life. And to that, I say: let people enjoy things yo 

Also read: Here’s Why Travelling Brings Out The Best in People

Now that all is said and done, can we please stop shaming people with a passion for travel? Again, this isn’t to bash those who do not like to travel, but rather, shed a light on common misconceptions about the wanderlust crowd.

For those who are still on the fence — has this article at least got you considering going out and seeing the world (once it’s safe again)? Or are you still hesitant because you think it’s too late already? Well, if it’s the latter, then you might wanna read this next. 

Featured image credit: Priscilla Du Preez

About Author

Marcy Miniano
Marcy Miniano

A fast-talking caffeine-dependent wordsmith, Marcy has never been one to shy away from sharing a good story or two. If she’s not in a quiet coffee shop somewhere, she enjoys spending afternoons in a museum or art gallery — whether it’s around Metro Manila or a foreign city she’s visiting. She wishes to retire in a winter village someday, so she can fulfil her lifelong dream of wearing turtlenecks all year round and owning a pet penguin.


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