These Useful Muji Emergency Kits Will Help You Be Ready for Anything

These Useful Muji Emergency Kits Will Help You Be Ready for Anything

Don't panic, just grab your Muji kit and go!

It’s so easy to fall in love with Muji’s minimalist and straightforward products. Brands often mix style with functionality. But with Muji, customers enjoy a combination of attractive simplicity and functionality, from everyday things like stackable baskets to hard carry suitcases for travelling. This signature Muji aesthetic has even made its way to interior house designs.

Indeed Muji has everything, and now, it wants its customers to be ready for anything. The Japanese retail company recently launched its Itsumo Moshimo collection, which in English means “Always If,” a phrase that encapsulates the concept of being prepared for disastrous or difficult scenarios. 

This collection consists of three main kits that are packaged in true Muji fashion — undecorated and easy to manage. The three Muji emergency kits vary in size according to the type of setting each one is designed for. 

The three Muji emergency kits

The first kit is called the “Mobile/Portable Set,” which contains two reusable three-layer face masks, bandages, anti-bacterial wipes, a zip lock, and a Moshimo handkerchief. The “Portable Set” alone already proves an ideal travel kit for the COVID-19 situation. This Muji emergency kit is priced at ¥1,690. 

The second kit is called the “Take-Out Set” which contains everything the “Mobile Set” offers and more. This includes a blanket, ear plugs, a compact headlight, and a waterproof pouch. Sounds like a go-to kit for camping or outdoor scenarios right? This Muji emergency kit is priced at ¥3,990.

The third and last kit called the “Furnish Set/Set to Prepare” is also the largest kit as it contains everything the two previous kits hold. Aside from that, the box carries gloves, mini candles, emergency toilet bags and towels, perfect for evacuation purposes. This Muji emergency kit is priced at ¥5,490.

Also read: 27 Best Things to Buy at Muji Stores in Asia

The best thing about these anti-disaster kits is that they’re packaged in such a way that they blend in with any aesthetic, whether inside your travel bag or a shelf. As of now, these kits along with their individual items, are sold in local Muji stores in Japan but be on the lookout for when these Muji emergency kits arrive in your country’s local Muji stores. Till then, you can learn more about Muji’s disaster kits on their official website

All images credited to Muji | Official Website

About Author

Therese Sta. Maria
Therese Sta. Maria

Therese's close friends know that if they haven’t seen her around recently, then she’s probably having an adventure with her luggage and camera in hand. Though she loves staying at home and spending lazy afternoons with friends, there are times when she has to be "away from home to feel at home," — that’s when she’s bitten by the travel bug. See her travels on Instagram @reesstamaria.


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