Sanzhi UFO Houses Obliterated for Good

Sanzhi UFO Houses Obliterated for Good

These futuristic Sanzhi UFO houses were a set of abandoned pod-shaped buildings in Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Despite the petition to restore one of the buildings as a museum, the UFO houses were completely obliterated at the end of 2008.

Sanzhi UFO Houses

These futuristic Sanzhi UFO houses were a set of abandoned pod-shaped buildings in Sanzhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. The strange architecture is like a flying saucer of the extraterrestrials. The UFO houses were built in 1978 as a vacation resort for the US military officers. However, the project was abandoned two years later due to investment losses and several deaths during construction.

The misfortune was attributed to some unnatural and superstitious beliefs. Some said a Chinese dragon sculpture near the gate was destroyed during the road widening. Others believed that the site was a burial ground for Dutch soldiers. Despite the petition to restore one of the buildings as a museum, the UFO houses were completely obliterated at the end of 2008. Developers hope to turn the site into a tourist attraction with hotels, resorts and other amenities. We’ll see if this will hold true in the coming years.

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