Journey Through the Surviving Desert Libraries of Chinguetti

Journey Through the Surviving Desert Libraries of Chinguetti

Endangered by the extreme conditions of the Sahara desert, Chinguetti and its last surviving desert libraries continue to hold on for dear life. See the current state of the once prosperous centre of learning in Mauritania.


Image credits: Jason Finch

Threatened by the expanding Sahara desert, Chinguetti, a city in Mauritania, continues to hold on for dear life. The city was once a vibrant centre of learning, a meeting place for pilgrims to Mecca and considered one of the holy cities of Islam.

Image credits: Michał Huniewicz

Sadly, all that remains of the once prosperous city are empty streets, decrepit buildings and sparsely populated mud houses. Just as the city is in grave danger, so are the fragile ancient books kept in its ten remaining desert libraries. These libraries contain ancient books on Quranic studies, science, medicine, law and many other literary works since the 9th century.

Image credits: Christophe André

Chinguetti was listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. However, despite the efforts to protect and preserve the city, it is slowly succumbing to the adverse conditions of the Sahara. It has been predicted that Chinguetti and all of its remaining structures, including the ancient libraries, will soon be swallowed by the desert just like many other desert towns through history.

20.461716, -12.366282,Chinguetti, Adrar, Mauritania

Visit the desert libraries of Chinguetti in Mauritania, Africa before they’re completely gone.

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