Blue Pond - Unravel Its Colour-Changing Mystery

Blue Pond – Unravel Its Colour-Changing Mystery

Blue Pond in Hokkaido, Japan looks blue but it mysteriously changes colour when viewed from different angles and at different times of the day. It became a global attraction when the image was included in Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion.

blue pond

Blue Pond in Hokkaido, Japan looks blue but it mysteriously changes colour when viewed from different angles and at different times of the day. It has been a famous tourist attraction for its enchanting appearance and colour-changing behaviour.

The pond’s blue hue has not been completely understood yet many attributed it to the presence of aluminium hydroxide in the water that reflects blue light in the same manner why our sky is blue. It has not been long since blue pond became a phenomenal attraction. When it became an image of Apple’s OS X Mountain Lion, tourists from all over the world have been dying to see the actual beauty of this enthralling pond.

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