Travel junkies balancing weekend adventures with a full-time office job often need a lot of willpower to make it through the week without giving up. With their minds constantly drifting to far-off destinations, staying focused on work can be a real challenge.
Each day, travel lovers with office jobs face these struggles:
1. Daydreaming about your next adventure is part of your daily routine
Image credit: The Diary of a Hotel Addict | Flickr
Your next travel is still months away, but you’re already imagining yourself exploring the streets of Tokyo or trying all the yummy Thai street food. You’re too excited to shut up your thoughts.
Also read: The Ultimate Guide To Work and Travel in Singapore
2. You often find yourself browsing travel blogs during office hours
Image credit: GotCredit | Flickr
Downtime, crunch time or free time, you subconsciously open your favourite travel blogs to escape reality even just for a bit. If you can’t be on an airplane right now, then you can at least travel through blogs.
3. And you’re always thinking of quitting your job to travel the world
For now it’s just a pipe dream, but who knows what will happen in the next few years?
Also read: Why Most Unplanned Adventures are Often the Best Ones
4. Every long weekend must be spent on a worthwhile trip
You’re always the first to know the dates of the regular holidays to meticulously plan your travels for the entire year. Holidays are too precious to be wasted on just staying at home.
5. That’s why you cry a little inside when you’re required to go to work on a holiday
Goodbye, dearest travel plans. O ye travel gods, why did you forsake me?
6. It’s only Monday but you are already looking forward to Friday
Image credit: martinak15 | Flickr
The great outdoors is already calling out for your name. Because of this, the Monday blues are much harder to beat.
7. Office meetings are the bane of your existence
Image credit: George Parilla | Flickr
You should instead be lounging on a beach somewhere in the Pacific.
8. Travelling for work just isn’t the same thing
But of course, you’re still thankful for the free trip!
9. Your travel bucket list is growing every day
Sadly, your time for travelling doesn’t seem to be increasing. The world is too vast to finish exploring on weekends.
Also read: Underrated Travel Destinations You Should Visit Before The Year Ends
10. Friends and officemates save up for the latest gadget, while you save every cent for your next travel
A new smartphone seems insignificant compared to a new city you have yet to explore.
11. You’re always on the lookout for promo flights so you’re kind of thankful for always being in front of your computer
You’re subscribed to every airline newsletter there is because you cannot miss a travel discount for the world.
12. Your friends are on the brink of hating you because you can’t shut up about your travels
Can anyone blame you for falling in love with every city you step your foot on?
13. Saving enough to go on another trip is the sole motivation to survive through a work day
Image credit: Kate Ter Haar | Flickr
Payday, please come quickly. There are accommodations left unpaid and budgeting is wholly dependent on you.
14. Travel hangover is a real thing
Image credit: Jon Rawlison | Flickr
Even when you just got home after weeks of travelling, you’re already itching to be back on the road.
Also read: How to Get Over Your Post-Vacation Blues
15. There’s a constant longing for exploration and adventure
Because this travel bug just can’t be cured.
If you’re struggling with these dilemmas, don’t bother trying to escape them. We all know that travelling is the only cure.