Kunigami Shrine – Japan’s Haemorrhoid Healing Statue

Kunigami Shrine – Japan’s Haemorrhoid Healing Statue

Would you believe there's a shrine in Japan dedicated to curing pathological haemorrhoids? See how people do the ancient Japanese ritual at Kunigami Shrine.

Kunigami Shrine

Japan is home to a lot of weird activities and idiosyncratic beliefs that attract international attention. One of the strangest rituals has something to do with healing pathological haemorrhoids.

Haemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal that help with stool control. If your haemorrhoids are swollen or inflamed, rectal bleeding and other painful symptoms may occur.

According to ancient Japanese tradition, anyone who visits the Kunigami Shrine and carries out the complete ritual will be cured of pathological haemorrhoids. The whole ritual involves bathing naked at a holy river, visiting the Kunigami shrine, crouching down and pointing the butt towards the holy egg while saying a special prayer. The afflicted person will then consume a meal of boiled eggs at a nearby temple. Even the healthy ones can do the ritual to prevent the illness from occurring.

Watch this clip to see one part of the whole ancient ritual.

36.574968, 140.239647,Kunigami Shrine, Haga District, Tochigi, Japan

Embark on a cultural journey to Japan with TripZilla Travel.

Image credits: nlab.itmedia.co.jp

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