Gabriel Oh
Gabriel Oh

A lover of words and their intrinsic value, Gabriel enjoys a good book as much as he does writing a good story. While he dabbles in illustration and photography, he just wishes that they would love him back as much. Gabriel has a deep-rooted interest in Japanese culture and language, eventually venturing to the Land of the Rising Sun for the first time in 2016. Having made many wonderful memories there, he now hopes to share what he has so that others can learn from his stories and eventually make their own.

All Posts from Gabriel Oh

street food in japan

18 Must-Eat Street Food at Japanese Matsuris

As you enjoy the summer festivals in Japan, take the chance to try some of the country’s most delicious street food. From savoury snacks to decadent desserts, a matsuri has it all!

things to do in awaji island

How I Spent Two Days on Awaji Island

Located in Japan’s Hyōgo Prefecture and connected by bridge to the city of Kobe, Awaji Island is a little-known destination that’s filled with natural gems and historical sights.