Christine Liu

Christine oscillates between the ordinary day-to-day and the magical worlds that travels bring. Be it a freakish encounter at Bagan or a heart-melting homestay in Busan, you can always find a little of everything in her travelogue. If any bit of you aspires to venture on your own adventure after reading about her travels, you would have made her day. Follow along on her adventures here or at travel.happy

All Posts from Christine Liu

Ijen Crater

Braving the Toxic Fumes of Ijen Crater

Join Christine's brave and touching journey to the Ijen crater in East Java, Indonesia where low-paid sulfur miners face the great dangers every day just to earn a living.

5 Places You Cannot Miss in Germany

Germany, the land of beer and bratwurst also the scenic south for travellers. 5 places you cannot miss, including the origins of the Disneyland castles!

1 Minute Photo Guide to Batam

A weekend getaway to Batam isn't just fast and smooth, but cheap and good as well. Christine embarks on a photo guide mission and shows us what to do there.