Things You Can Only Find On A Beach in China… Probably

Things You Can Only Find On A Beach in China… Probably

Have you ever visited the beaches in China? I'm sure they'll leave you with an unforgettable experience!

If you think you’ve seen all you’ve seen at the beach, think again! The beaches in China are probably the most unique you’ll ever see. Here are things you can only find on a beach in China… probably!

1. Cover Girls

Qingdao | Image credit: Fashen Asia

Nope, they aren’t bank robbers. Nor have they just gone for plastic surgery. They are just happy beachgoers frolicking around in their colourful patterned swimsuits, and wearing the new IN thing, FACEKINIS. These revolutionary facekinis not only protect one’s face from algae and jellyfish stings, but also from the intense sun rays. These opera inspired Facekinis and full-length swimsuits are a common sight as the locals do not want to get too much sun in fear of ageing skin.

2. Lush Greenery (Algae)

Qingdao | Image credit: Lazerhorse

You may see a “sea of algae” instead of the actual sea when visiting a beach in China. Especially during low-tide. However, it doesn’t seem to deter the locals from enjoying some fun under the sun! Every summer, you can spot beachgoers in Qingdao playing amongst the algae. Anything to get some sun right?

3. People Mountain, People Sea

Xinghai Beach | Image credit: Namplus

This visit to the beach will make you feel as if every single Chinese citizen has arrived on the same day as you. Look at this beautiful kaleidoscope of colours as everyone floats around on all kinds and shapes of floats available. If you are one who likes crowds and tons of noise, you may want to give this a visit.

4. ONE toilet block for every 10,000 people

Fujiazhuang | Image credit: Pexels

With only ONE toilet block to service 10,000 people who flock to the beach for a splashing time, going to the toilet will be like The Hunger Games. If you get a call of nature at this beach, it will certainly challenge your creativity on how to answer it. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour.

Aren’t you tempted yet?! Experience these beaches personally for yourself and have the time of your life!

*DISCLAIMER*: This article is just for laughs only. So sit back, take a chill pill, and don’t take life so seriously.

About Author

Carissa Ng
Carissa Ng

Carissa is fascinated by the complexity of globalisation, and the interdependence of diverse cultures. Her mind constantly drifts off to dreams of travelling around the world, because she wants to explore every continent and city. She is also a sleepyhead-sloth who has a huge weakness for rainbows, sushi, all things Korean, and adorable chubby babies.


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