Table Etiquette: 10 Dining Customs Around the World

Table Etiquette: 10 Dining Customs Around the World

Here’s to avoid awkward dining situations when you travel.

dining customs

Used to eating with spoon and fork? With chopsticks or with your bare hands? Well, take note that while you’re used to your own comfortable ways of eating, there are certain rules to observe when dining in different parts of the world. You will be surprised to know that some table manners you consider acceptable at home could be faux pas in other countries.

To avoid being in a socially awkward situation, it pays to know some dining customs around the world. Here’s an interesting infographic by WIMDU, which might save you from having an embarrassing dining experience during your travels.

dining customs
Curious Customs From Dinner Tables Around The World [Infographic] by Wimdu.

Also read: This is What Breakfast Looks Like in Different Parts of Asia

What other dining customs have you experienced in your travels? Share them in the comment box below!

About Author

Charmaine Acha
Charmaine Acha

Charmaine loves random weekend trips, technology, and coffee. Guided by her travel mantra "chill and travel", she enjoys unplanned escapades without compromising leisure. If not fangirling over her K-drama idols, she's on DND mode writing or planning her next possible adventure.