2014 Singapore Travel Trends That May (Or May Not) Surprise You

2014 Singapore Travel Trends That May (Or May Not) Surprise You

Ever wondered where Singaporeans have been travelling to in 2014? These are their travel trends and top travel picks.

Image Credits: Lip Jin Lee

2014 is coming to an end and it’s about time to step into the half-century mark for Singapore. Before looking ahead with resolutions, you may find yourself wrapping up the year with reminisce about, among others, the new stamps collected on your passports and the incredible memories that come along with it. While each and every one of you hold dear your very own travel experiences, TripZilla does a round-up to learn more about the favourite travel destinations of Singaporeans as a whole. We bring to you findings derived from the data collected over the year from TripZilla, Singapore’s No. 1 Travel Portal, and TripZilla Magazine with which may (or may not) surprise you.

Distance matters (of course it does)

The two top-searched destinations are none other than our all-familiar fellow neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia. Is this any wonder? Cross the border and there are plenty of landscapes to marvel at, wildlife to discover, food to sample, mountains to climb… you get the gist.

Image credits: Wikipedia Commons

Top-of-the-chart articles about Malaysia and Indonesia are those covering the topic of island and beach destinations. If you happen to be in search of a quick getaway with incredible beaches, some of the best spots in Malaysia are the Perhentian Islands, Redang Island and Rawa Island. There are also lesser-known islands in Malaysia that are great for those looking for a more quiet, off-the-beaten-track experience. As for Indonesia, while Bali is undoubtedly one of the most famous destinations for Singaporeans and travellers from around the globe, there is similarly a plethora of unspoilt of islands in Indonesia just waiting to be discovered.

Year-end is the time to venture further

There are those content with confining their travels within the region, and there are also many who look to venture into further territories, especially during the year-end period. In the first half of the year, getaways are popular choices among Singaporeans, but their attention shift to destinations that are further in the second half. What does this say about Singaporeans? Probably this: the festive December period still reigns as the prime time to travel to further destinations be it as a family or with friends.

Japan and South Korea are favourite year-round destinations

Many Singaporeans are not deterred to travel during the winter period. The two destinations with four seasons that are equally as appealing in winter as they are in summer are Japan and South Korea. In fact, these are the two most popular travel destinations out of Southeast Asia

The abundance of pull-factors every season contribute to their year-round popularity: spring brings the bloom of cherry blossoms, autumn boasts spectacular hues of foliage, summer is just simply glorious and winter is a time for winter sports. Perhaps residents of this hot and hotter country travel to seek experiences they can never have in Singapore, such as skiing, sledding, building a snowman or even simply seeing snow.

Image credits: Wikipedia Commons

As always, affordability is a factor that is of high importance to Singaporeans on vacation. While South Korea is not the cheapest country to travel to in Asia, we are inspired by Mandy who managed to do it with just SGD 1600 for 12 days

Also Read:  6 Most Uniquely Themed Accommodations In South Korea

Image credits:
David A. LaSpina

Japan is also known to be quite an expensive travel destinations too, and travellers planning to head there are often plagued with the question of how much you really need for Japan. One of the major travel expenses will be on transport, and knowing whether or not to get Japan’s rail pass can save precious dollars.

Travel to Europe and Australia are picking up

Other regions that performed well include Australia and Europe. Coincidentally (or not), both of them are facing the issue of weakening currency this year – a bane for their economy, and a boon for inbound travellers.

Kiasu-ism is indeed a trait of Singaporeans

If travel planning is key to ensure that a trip doesn’t turn into a disaster, Singaporeans fare pretty well in this aspect. Research for year-end vacations begin as early as August; we’re not even sure if school kids start preparing for their year-end finals as early as that!

Adding on to this point, have you started planning for your 2015 long weekends yet? With this 2015 Public Holiday Guide for Kiasu Singaporeans, you can look forward to 10 long weekends with minimal leaves.

Here is the list of top 10 searches on TripZilla for 2014:

10. Europe
9. Maldives
8. Taiwan
7. China
6. Australia
5. Thailand
4. South Korea
3. Japan
2. Malaysia
1. Indonesia

What do we expect to see for 2015?

Image Credits: Rajesh India

2015 will be another great year for travellers. Destinations in the region that may gain more prominence in 2015 include Vietnam and Myanmar. Both emerging countries are slowly developing its tourist infrastructure, and there is quite an appeal of journeying through land that is largely undiscovered by travellers; it is like unlocking a time capsule.

While Singaporeans pour out of the country for vacations, we also believe that Singapore will be the it destination, seeing that it was recently named the No. 1 country to travel to in 2015.

Looks like there are plenty of reasons to celebrate Singapore’s golden jubilee. Have a good 2015!

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TripZilla inspires travel with guides, tips and stories by our community of travellers in and around Southeast Asia.